Vitamins to Increase Sperm Volume

We discuss various nutrients and dietary supplements in this article that may or may not be helpful. If you purchase recommended products, services, or treatments, it may benefit CNY Fertility financially. Read more about our financial relationships here. The supplements discussed in this article are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, take any medications, or have been diagnosed with a medical condition, consult with a healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement.

By CNY Fertility Updated on — Medically Reviewed and Certified by Maribelle Verdiales, MD Maribelle Verdiales, MD
Vitamins to Increase Sperm Volume

If you’re looking for vitamins to increase sperm volume, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are a number of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that have been shown to increase sperm volume.  

In this article, we will first break down some terms like sperm, semen, volume, and count and then have an in-depth review of vitamins that have been shown to increase sperm volume.

Fast Facts about Sperm and Vitamins to Increase Sperm Volume

  • According to the World Health Organization, normal semen volume ranges from  1.5 to 7.6 milliliters per ejaculation .
  • Normal sperm count in ejaculate ranges from 39 million to 928 million.
  • Spermatogenesis, the process of producing sperm, takes approximately 72 days.
  • Many lifestyle factors are known to influence sperm quality including smoking, alcohol consumption, stress, exercise, heat, and toxin exposure, genetics, and diet/nutrients.
  • Nutrients often found in fertility supplements like Vitamin C, D, E, CoQ10, Zinc, and others have been demonstrated to support healthy sperm volume and quality and overall male fertility. 

Key Male Fertility Terms to Understand

Before we get started on learning about vitamins that can help to support increased sperm volume, it’s important we understand what sperm volume is along with other potentially confusing terms.


Spermatozoa (aka sperm) are the male reproductive cells or gametes. Human sperm is comprised of two main sections, the head (or body) and the tail known as a flagellum. The sperm swim through ejaculate and female reproductive fluids to reach and fertilize the female egg.


Semen, also known as seminal fluid, is the whitish male reproductive fluid that is emitted or ejaculated from the male reproductive tract which contains sperm suspended in seminal liquids that help keep the sperm cells alive and move through the female’s reproductive tract. 

Semen Volume

Semen volume is the amount of semen (fluid) you produce during ejaculation. 

Sperm Count

Sperm count is just as it sounds, a count of the total number of sperm in a man’s ejaculate. A sperm count is achieved by counting the number of sperm in a small sample of the man’s ejaculate and then multiplying that number by the total volume collected.

Sperm Density

As previously mentioned, what men should be focused on is their sperm count and the amount of sperm they have per ml of semen.  Semen volume is tied to sperm count by the parameter sperm density (sperm count per mL of semen).  Sperm density tells you exactly how many sperm are present in each ml of semen produced.  If sperm density remains consistent, then increasing semen volume will increase the total amount of sperm, but the two are not highly related. One man can have a large semen volume (liquid) but very little or no sperm.

Sperm Volume

Truth is, sperm volume isn’t a real term or measure used to evaluate male fertility. The term incorrectly mixes the two terms Sperm Count and Semen Volume. That said, it is a commonly used term amongst the general public. 

Because the terms sperm count and sperm volume are often used interchangeably by the general public, we will use the terms interchangeably in this article. 

What is a Healthy or “Normal” Semen Volume, Sperm Count, and Sperm Density

According to the World Health Organization, normal sperm volume ranges from  1.5 to 7.6 milliliters per ejaculation.   Normal sperm count also has a wide range, with the low end being 39 million and the high end being 928 million.  Normal sperm density ranges from 15 million to 259 million sperm per mL of ejaculate.  

Normal Semen Volume Normal Density (Sperm Count Per ml) Normal Sperm Count in Ejaculate
1.5-7.6 ml 15-259 million 39-928 million

Vitamins That May Help Increase Sperm Volume/Count

Below is a list of various vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and other supplements that have been shown to support healthy sperm volume.  

Vitamin D

In 2019, researchers reviewed 18 studies on vitamin D’s impact on male fertility.  They found that vitamin D levels were positively associated with sperm volume.   

It can be important to supplement with Vitamin D as studies have shown that around 40% of adults in the U.S. suffer from Vitamin D deficiency. Sure, vitamin D is produced by the body in response to exposure to the sun, but it can be difficult to obtain appropriate levels of Vitamin D through diet and sun exposure alone, especially during the winter months. T

o ensure you are getting an adequate amount of vitamin D to support healthy sperm volume and other aspects of sperm health, fertility specialists often recommend taking vitamin D supplements.

Antioxidant Vitamins C and E

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports many functions of the body has been shown to support cellular health and integrity. 

Furthermore, studies have shown that supplementing with vitamin C can support healthy semen parameters including sperm volume.  In one study, researchers found that when men took vitamin C supplements twice daily for 2 months the mean sperm volume increased by more than 100%.   Participants in the study also saw an increase in sperm motility and a decrease in the number of deformed sperm cells.  

Other studies have looked at vitamin C’s ability to improve sperm parameters in combination with Vitamin E.  In a 2016 meta-analysis of multiple studies, researchers concluded that supplementing vitamins C and E together can indeed help improve sperm volume.  

Vitamin E is known to improve the function of other antioxidants, like vitamin D, in part because it helps prevent lipid peroxidation.  As such, it comes as no surprise that when you combine vitamin E with other antioxidants shown to increase sperm volume, you are likely to see better results.  

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is another antioxidant that helps generate energy in cells (including sperm cells).

Because of its antioxidant properties, its role in energy-generating pathways, and the fact that it has been found naturally in seminal fluids and that concentrations of such are positively associated with greater sperm volume and motility, it has been looked at extensively as a male fertility supplement.

Studies have shown that supplementing Co-Q10 can help to significantly improve sperm volume, density, motility, and more

Vitamin B-12

It would make sense that vitamin B-12 contributes to healthy sperm production as it is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the human body. 

Research has shown exactly that.  Vitamin B-12 plays an important role in sperm development and that supplementing B-12 can help support healthy sperm volume.   


Studies have shown that zinc levels are associated with sperm quality including sperm volume.   As such, getting appropriate levels of zinc is considered an important aspect of male fertility nutrition. 

Zinc can be found naturally in foods like meat, fish, and eggs.  However, many men, especially vegetarians and vegans, are unable to attain adequate levels of zinc through food alone.  In fact, 17.3% of the global population suffers from zinc deficiency.  

One way in which zinc may support a healthy sperm volume is through zinc’s role in testosterone production.  Testosterone is required for sperm production and supplementing zinc has been shown to support healthy testosterone levels.


Ashwagandha (botanically known as Withania somnifera) is a small shrub that is native to India and North Africa that contains high concentrations of withanolides.  It is one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda medicine and has been used for over 3,000 years for a variety of purposes.

Multiple studies have shown a clinically significant and positive relationship between Ashwagandha supplementation and various aspects of male fertility including sperm volume.

One study conducted in India demonstrated a 167% increase in sperm volume, 53% increase in semen volume, and 57% increase in sperm motility.


Shilajit, similar to Ashwagandha is commonly used in ayurvedic medicine. It is a tarry substance that develops over multiple centuries from the slow decomposition of plants and is primarily found in the rocks of the Himalayas.

In one study, Shilajit was shown to improve sperm volume by 64%. Shilajit has also been shown to improve testosterone levels.

Omega 3s

Omega 3s have a wide range of health benefits, including that they play a vital role in the structure and formation of all human cells, including sperm.  Since omega 3s are essential to sperm cell growth, it comes as no surprise that supplementing with omega 3s could improve sperm quality. 

In fact, observational studies have shown that blood levels of omega 3s are positively associated with sperm volume.

Other studies have taken that a step further and shown that omega 3 supplementation can actually improve sperm volume and improve pregnancy rates.  

Omega 3s are found primarily in seafood so if you don’t eat a lot of fish, there is a good chance you aren’t getting enough omega 3s. 

A study conducted by the American Heart Association found that a low percentage of the adult population in the U.S. consumes the recommended level of omega 3s each week.  They also found that men had a greater percentage of not meeting the requirements compared to females.  The study concluded that supplementation of omega 3s, in addition to food sources, may be necessary for adults, especially men, to meet recommendations.

Vitamins to Increase Sperm Volume Molecular Fertility

Now that you know the specific vitamins and nutrients you need to increase sperm volume, the next logical question is, “what is the best way to get all these nutrients?”  At CNY Fertility, we recommend our very own line of high-quality fertility supplements, Molecular Fertility.  Molecular Fertility’s Male Preconception+ and VIVOMEGA™ FISH OIL were specifically designed to help support sperm volume and overall male fertility.

The Male Preconception+

The Male Preconception+ was designed to provide men with the nutrients and ingredients that are essential to improving men’s sperm volume, motility, and overall reproductive fitness.  As sperm take 60-90 days to develop before being ejaculated we recommend you take them for 90+ days if possible, or until desired results are achieved.

Omega Rich Fish Oil

What is so special about Molecular Fertility’s Fish Oil?  Well, if you head down to your local drug store or another store that sells vitamins and look closely, you’ll notice that they typically contain only 300 mg of EPA + DHA per serving. Molecular Fertility’s fish oil on the other hand contains over 2300 mg of omega-three per serving, that’s 7 times the standard and what makes Molecular Fertility’s Fish Oil so special.  It is also made up of non-GMO natural fish oils that surpass the highest international standards for freshness, oxidation, and purity.

Other Supplements

While those two supplements should cover your bases when looking for a dietary supplement to support a healthy sperm volume, Molecular Fertility also offers a few nutrients in stand-alone forms. 

  • VESIsorb® CoQ10 and VESIsorb® Ubiquinol: CoQ10 is in the male preconception+, however for those looking for an extra dose of this nutrient to give their sperm volume an even further nudge, these two products contain CoQ10 with a patented absorption technology VESIsorb® that has been shown to improve absorption and bioavailability of by 600% compared to standard CoQ10. 
  • VESIsorb Vitamin D: Molecular Fertility’s VESIsorb Vitamin D offers this important nutrient with the same patented absorption technology mentioned above to aid in absorption and bioavailability.

When to Take Vitamins to Increase Sperm Volume

Sperm take approximately 60-90 days to develop. For best results, you should aim to take your male fertility vitamins for 90+ days but should be okay with 30+ days of use if that is all that is possible.   

Bottom Line About Vitamins for Sperm Volume

Sperm volume (technically referred to as sperm count) is an important measure of male fertility. Interestingly, research has emerged showing the importance of proper nutrition to support healthy sperm volume, motility, and more.

While there’s maybe no one size fits all solution, the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients discussed in this article and found in supplements like the Male Preconception+ and VivoMega Fish Oil are a great place to start.




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